I’ve finished my data input but I’d like to set up scenarios. The only problem is I don’t have a template! I chose the Retiree template as it was the most relevant but I think when I was setting up new groups (or editing existing ones) I ended up messing up the Scenario template. I’ve looked in the online FAQ but couldn’t see anything there and I searched the forum and the closest was a post from Helen77 but it wasn’t very helpful either and so here I am.
Do you want to start another scenario or duplicate your current one and then modify it?
It may be better for you to duplicate your current scenario if you only want to make minor modifications in the other scenario.
I don’t have any, @Jacob . That’s why I asked for help, after looking everywhere I could think of.
So what did you mean when you said that you finished data input? If you added it to Cashculator into the spreadsheet, they all exist in a scenario. If you show the scenarios sidebar, you’ll see what scenario this is and then you can duplicate it, if you want. Or create a new one, empty from a template (see screenshot below).
What is it that you’re trying to achieve by adding a second scenario?
I meant that I’d finished entering info into the income and outgoing panels, that’s all Jacob.
I tried making a dummy set of figures using the Complete template but still couldn’t work out what I needed to do.
What I meant is that income and expenses panels screens are already part of some scenario. Either you started with a template one and modified it with your categories or, perhaps, you started with a blank scenario. The income and and expenses that you entered are already in a scenario. The point of having another scenario is usually in order to duplicate your current one and make modification to its plans, if you contemplate about making some financial changes, and want to compare how one plan (in your current scenario) compares to another plan (in your duplicated, then modified scenario).
That’s why I asked you about a new scenario that you want, what’s your purpose in starting another scenario?